Natalie Halloran BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy AOTI CORU

OT Services for Children
Occupational Therapy is provided for children with a range of needs. Services at Natalie Halloran TheraMe include:
Assessments for Children
Assessments for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia
Sensory Processing
Interventions (including Therapy Programs and One to one Therapy Sessions)
Housing Adaptation Grant Reports for Sensory Rooms
OT Services for Children
Assessments for Children
Occupational Therapy Assessments are provided for children with a range of needs. The assessment is critical for planning the best intervention programs and we make the process relaxed, fun whilst also focusing on your child’s strengths. We use a variety of standardised and non-standardised assessments, and provide detailed reports with recommendations, treatment programs and full consultation in all areas of the process.
In OT we assess and provide intervention for the following areas:
Sensory Processing
Fine and Gross motor skills needed for everyday tasks
Play skills
Self-Care skills
Attention and concentration
Self-regulation skills
Planning and organisational skills
Visual Processing
Sleep challenges
Assessments take place in your home, school, or pre-school. Working in education facilities provides an opportunity to meet with other people who are central to your child’s life, evaluate school or play activities, and offers opportunities to provide an environmental assessment to support ongoing interventions.
Your child is at the centre of our service and we are here to support and advise. We work with children and families who may or may not have a diagnosis, and we are a needs led service. We regularly work with children who may have Autism, Anxiety, ADHD, ADD, Sensory Processing Disorder, Down Syndrome, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia/Developmental Coordination Disorder, learning difficulties and various syndromes.
Assessments for Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia
We specialise in assessing children who may have Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD)/Dyspraxia. DCD is a condition which affects fine and gross motor coordination, which means that children find it difficult to piece together the movements required for daily tasks. DCD happens because there is disruption in the process of being able to integrate information from the senses to plan, adapt and control their movement. Common symptoms of DCD can be challenges with:
Body awareness - bumping into people or things, or having difficulty positioning self appropriately for an activity
Negotiating playground equipment - you may notice your child seems unsure how to coordinate their body when climbing or is perhaps uncomfortable with their feet being off the ground
Learning developmentally appropriate motor tasks such as learning to catch a ball or riding a bike. Activities which require coordinated movement of both sides of the body can be tricky.
Learning how to write, use scissors or utensils, tie shoe laces and complete fastenings
Engaging with self-care tasks, such as dressing, or feeding
Sustaining physical energy required for tasks
Following instructions, organising themselves
Confidence and self esteem
Every child who has a DCD Assessment is also provided with a follow up session, individualised recommendations, and a therapy program to accompany their assessment. Children who have early support with their symptoms are more likely to make progress. They have less difficulties participating in daily activities and grow with self-esteem and confidence, laying strong foundations for their future mental health.
Sensory Processing
A large number of referrals to the service, include parents who are wondering if their child has Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), also known as Sensory Integration Difficulties. Sensory Integration is the process of our sensory system and brain continually working together to receive, process and integrate sensory information from our environment and internal body systems. It is a complex process which allows us to use these messages to respond appropriately with the required behavioural and motor responses to participate in activities.
You may suspect your child has SPD if they display signs of over or under responsivity to a number of everyday sensory experiences, have difficulties with balance or coordination difficulties. They may seek lots of movement, be aversive to touch or sounds, become easily upset, have a limited diet, sleep difficulties, or seem unable to attend. Our sensory integration is foundational to our feelings of safety, our ability to interact with others, complete everyday tasks and learn. When information from the senses is not received or interpreted correctly, it impacts on our emotional, behavioural and motor responses. SPD can occur on its own or as part of another condition. It is estimated that it can affect at least 1 in 20 children.
We create unique sensory intervention programs to support your child’s everyday sensory modulation needs so they can reach their potential at home and school. We have advanced practitioner training in the treatment of sensory defensiveness, which is an over responsivity to everyday sensory stimuli. Having your sensory needs understood, explained and supported can be pivotal in improving quality of life.
Therapy Programs
A therapy program is detailed guide of activities which are carefully designed for your child. They can be completed at home or school to support the development of skills, or to support your child’s sensory modulation. Therapy Programs mean that your child can have therapy every day and often at meaningful times. If your child has support in school, your child’s SNA or resource teacher might use that time to complete parts of the program with them. Your program is reviewed as goals are met or needs change. I work hard to make sure your child’s therapy program is motivational and fits into your routine.
One to one Therapy Sessions
It may be advised that your child receives direct therapy sessions, which are led by a therapist. These sessions will focus on jointly developed goals, and usually last for 45 minutes, with a 15-minute parent consultation.
Housing Adaptation Grant Reports for Sensory Rooms
You can now access the Housing Adaptation Grant to help with the costs of installing a sensory room within your home. Your eligibility for this grant is dependent on your income. We can provide you with the assessment and report required for this application, if you meet the eligibility criteria.
Get in touch
Natalie Halloran TheraMe
Redefining Potential
County Galway, Ireland.
Tel: 089 2186641