Natalie Halloran BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy AOTI CORU

Privacy Policy
Welcome to Natalie Halloran TheraMe’s Privacy Policy. Your privacy is very important to us and we are committed to safeguarding your data privacy rights. This policy explains how we look after your personal data, including how we collect use and process your personal data. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a piece of legislation prepared by the European Union that aims to give you more control over how your data is used and protected.
Who we are
We are Natalie Halloran TheraMe of Knockadolla, Kiltulla, Athenry, Co. Galway. We provide community- based, private occupational therapy services.
You can contact us regarding any aspect of this policy, at this above address by post, or by emailing
Natalie Halloran TheraMe is the controller and is responsible, for the purposes of GDPR, for deciding how and why your personal data will be processed. The terms ‘we’ and ‘us’ refer to Natalie Halloran TheraMe throughout this document.
It is important that you read this notice so that you are aware of how and why we are collecting, processing, and storing your personal data. Please be aware that this privacy notice may be updated in the future. The updated document will be posted here, on our website.
What is personal data and how will personal data be collected
Personal data is any information about you which allows you to be identified or potentially identified from.
Personal data will be collected and processed by us when you, a referrer or a health care professional, engage with us and/or avail of our services. Personal data collected includes names, addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and dates of birth. We process information relating to the health (physical and mental) and educational needs of children and adults using our service. We also process text submitted via forms on our website (which may or may not include names, e-mail addresses and telephone numbers). We collect information in manual/paper and electronic formats. We do not record phone calls or online Telehealth sessions. You will be required to read and sign a consent form on engagement with the service. The information detailed on the form will be explained to you.
We collect personal data in the following ways:
When you complete a referral form, to self-refer, or on behalf of your child (under 16 years), as their Parent or Guardian. Information is also collected as part of a case history form, or non-standardised assessment, prior to, or on the first day of contact.
Directly from you through your use of Occupational Therapy assessment/treatment services. You may give us your personal data and pertinent categories of more sensitive personal data including health data, by corresponding with us by post, phone, email, online consultation and/or meeting during any clinical assessment or treatment or otherwise.
You can request access to your information at any stage during the engagement of services. Written consent will be obtained from you prior to request of any personal data from a third-party source, such as other healthcare or educational facilities. We require opt-in consent for the sharing of sensitive information.
With your prior consent, personal data may be collected from other professionals, relatives, third parties and agencies who have knowledge of or are involved in your care including educational staff, health care professionals or a family member, where necessary.
Personal data may be collected if you call the service to make an initial enquiry.
If you apply to join us as a sub-contractor or employee through an application process.
How we use your personal information
The personal information you provide is for the sole purpose of providing you with the service you have requested.
We collect and use your personal data to deliver Occupational Therapy services, including assessment, treatment, case management or consultation service(s).
Personal data may be used for the following purposes:
To respond to your requests for information.
To consider your referral for assessment and/or treatment services.
To undertake and complete Occupational Therapy assessment and/or treatment services.
To share your information with third parties where this is required to provide our service to you, based on your prior consent, or is required by law.
To prepare a quote, invoice or for billing services.
To make suggestions and recommendations about services that may be of interest to you, with your consent.
Who has access to the information we collect?
Only we have access to your personal data for the purpose of providing your service. We will never disclose your information without your direct, written consent. On rare occasions information may need to be shared to fulfil legal and regulatory obligations, for example with revenue commissioners and other regulators, our accountant, our insurer, or An Garda Síochána.
Disclosure can be made with your written consent. Prior consent will be gained to communicate with any other professional involved in you or your child’s care, for example, a health or educational professional.
Circumstances where information may be shared without your consent include:
If the disclosure is required by law. For example, when ordered by a judge in a court of law, or by a tribunal or body established by an Act of the Oireachtas.
If the disclosure is required to safeguard you or others for example, in circumstances where there is a threat of serious harm to yourself or others.
Third party marketing and transfers of personal data
We will not share your personal data with any third party for marketing purposes, or a third country or organisation.
Data storage and retention
Your information will be securely stored as per recommendation by the HSE until your child’s 25th birthday, or 26th birthday if you were 17 at the time of discharge, or 8 years after death. All other information will be stored for 7 years following your discharge from the service. Paper files are secured under lock and key at the above location, and electronic documents are encrypted. After the duration of storage, paper files will be shredded, and electronic files will be deleted. The file may need to be kept for longer than 7 years if the information is required relating to an unresolved legal issue or other issue.
Your personal data is not held in paper or electronic format longer than is necessary.
Your rights
You have the following rights under the GDPR, in certain circumstances and subject to certain exemptions, in relation to your personal data:
A right to get access to your personal information as per article 15 of GDPR. In the instance of Children, Parents and Guardians can initiate requests if the child is under the age of 16. If a person is over the age of 16, they can make a request, subject to adherence to the Children First Act.
A right to request us to correct inaccurate information or update incomplete information.
A right to request that we restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.
A right to request the deletion of personal information.
A right to receive the electronic personal information you provided to us in a portable electronic format.
A right to object to us processing your personal information in certain circumstances.
A right to lodge a complaint.
Cookies are small text files stored on a device and are commonly used on websites. We have set the settings on our website to prevent the website host from sending analytics cookies to visitors to the site until you have clicked ‘ok’ on the website cookie banner. To learn more about cookies, including the different types, visit
This website can also show you how to control and delete cookies.
We have implemented technology and policies to safeguard your privacy from unauthorised access and improper use. All reports and documents will be sent using password protection. We do not share information on cloud servers, and encourage you not to share personal data on unsecured platforms.
Linking to third party websites
We cannot be responsible for the privacy policies and practices of other sites, even if these sites have been accessed using links from our site. We recommend that you check the policy of each site you visit and contact the organisation concerned if you have any questions.
Credit/Debit Card Details
Credit and debit card details and associated names and card holder addresses submitted via the website are not stored.
Automated decision making and profiling
We do not use personal information for the purposes of automated decision making or profiling.
Changes to your details
We aim to keep our information about you as accurate as possible. If you would like to review or change the details you have supplied us with, please contact us at
How to contact us regarding personal data
If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or regarding any aspect of how your personal data is collected, processed, protected stored or disposed of, please contact Natalie Halloran (Company Director/Senior Occupational Therapist) at email or by post at:
Natalie Halloran TheraMe
Co. Galway